Contact Us
Discerning your vocation can elicit many questions, so do please connect with us to begin your discernment journey.
The Vocations Director and his team of Vocation Promoters are happy to meet up with you in person, to chat over the phone, or simply exchange emails. We are all equally passionate about the opportunity we have to mentor and guide men along their own pursuits of holiness.

Contact Us
Discernment is made prayerfully and takes place in the deepest recesses of our hearts, but it is not done alone. Come here to connect with events and supports which will help you discern.
We know the way
Now that you understand what a calling or vocation is, take that first step on your journey by learning to discern your Life’s path.
Life is a gift; how can you make the most of yours?
We’ll help you find your Life’s calling.